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Our IV Therapies

Immunity Drip

Supercharge it to fight off infections with this powerful immunity-boosting therapy with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

Hangover Fix

Still relying on age-old remedies for your hangover? Get relieved from it instantly with our Hangover Fix


A cocktail of B-Vitamins, anti-inflammatory medical boosters and electrolytes for instant hydration and energy boost.

Athletic Drip

Feel stronger, perform better, and recover faster than ever


Help your body burn extra calories and reach your fitness goals!

Nutri Glow

Keep your hair, skin, and nails looking fabulous.

Timeless Tales

Regain your youthful glow and feel young

Frequent Flyer

Feel refreshed and ready to take on your daily life

Lady Blues

Get a much-needed relief from those terrible cramps

Myers’ Cocktail

Just the right amount of essential nutrients for the wellness of your mind, body and soul.

Vegan Drip

​The additional vitamins and minerals your body could use while on a vegan diet.

PCOS Drip​

Are you facing symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, and hair loss?

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